Monday, June 24, 2013

In the last 2 days,, we had lectures about SQL. we learnt about SQL commands which will be used in making our project's database.
so in last 2 days , we had no lab. just a lecture of 2hrs. :)

Though 2 hours seems less time, but time doesnt pass by when in class, sometime time pass by so quickly and sometime we are constantly glazing at our watches.

9th Lecture


to produce correct information we should store data in a organised form.
DataBase- a database is an organised file that store related data in form of arow and coloumns.
DBMS- database m,anagement System - DBMS is a type of softwsre that creates and manages database. It is set of programs that store, reterive or update data.
SQL Server- is a RDBMS(Relational Database Management System). It is product of Microsoft Corporation. It can be used to store huge data and allow concurrent access.(Multiple users can acess the database at same time).

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