Monday, June 17, 2013

4th Lecture

.OOPs - Object Oriented Programming Structure.
>OOPs is a new programming technique which emphasizes on security and reusability. It is an approach to analyse problems and developing solution in form of objects. OOPs is
all about classes and objects.
>class- a class is a user defines data type or a template. It is used to group data of different types and functions to operate on data. Class defines shape and behaviour
of objects. once a class is defined , we can create any number of objects.
>object- is an instance of class. an objct is a collection of properties and members . A property stores data for an object and method performs action on stored data.
>input,Store,Process And ouptput
>Variable- A variable stores single vlaue.
>structure we can group data of different type.
>there are five principles of OOPs
process of wrapping up data and function as a single unit.
.data hiding-
protecting data from outside world by making it private.
ceating new class from existing class.Existing class is known as base parent or super and new class is knoqwn as sub\drive\child class. A suvb class can
use base class's code. change existing code (if allowed) and add up new code
c# supports single multilevel inheritence.
hidng unessential details and exposing out essential details.
class DAV:Form
class s
s}tatic void main()
DAV obj=new DAV();

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