Tuesday, June 18, 2013

5th Lecture

.in .Net winForm Application Every form is a class derieved from systes.windows.Forms.Form Class
.Systems.Windows.forms is a namespace that lcontains classes which are used to create applications.
it contin classes like
.Namespace - collection of classes and sub-namespaces.namespace help us to organise our code and avoid naming collision.
.Partial Class- A class that can be defined in more than one physical file.
.Constructor-constructor is special member function of class which gets execute automatically when object is created. Constructor intialises data members. COnstructor is
always created with same name as of class.Constructor can not be invoked explicitly and it can not return any value.
.A class can have more than one constructor , This is known as constructor overloading.
.Destructor is also a special member function of classs which gets execute when object gets destroy. It is used to reclaim memory or resources from objects. Destructor
is crerated with same name of class but prefixed with TILD sign (~). A class can have only one detructor.
.in c# [] means an array is formed
>title of form is search
>one combobox with all drives and a label
>one text box with label text
>one button named search
>one list box
>when we click on the search button than the particular drive selected on the combobox and written in the text box is shown in the list.
Assignment 2
>make a run form
>For Browse open file dialouge
Lecture indx=f.name.indexof(textbox1.text)
.#region to collapse a file.

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