Thursday, June 20, 2013

6th Lecture

.propertiesin which values are stored or from which value is reterived or from function a special work is done nd there are no () with prroperties.
.from accept buttoon we can change what will happen if we click enter button and cancel buttoi did same as that of enter button to close.
Menu Box
.to control menu control we have menu strip control in toolbox all window forms.
.Select menu>items>open propertie>Shortcut Key.
.for creatig a seperate line click "->enter".
.for creating hotkeys place & infront of the word u wan tto make hot key
Tool Strip control
.used to make toolbars
Rich tect Box
.Propertire>Dock(6 Values)
for allignment
.MDI Applications:-
>SDi - Single Document Interface.Allows single documetn at a particular time.Like notepad. in notepad we can open only single file
. If u wan to work with another file then u must closed opened file and then open new file.
>MDI - Multi Document INterface.Allows us to work with mnore than one document at same time. Every MDI application contains a MDI parent form or window.Any noof child
forrms can be opened in MDI parent form.All child forms get closed automatically when parent form is closed. Child forms can move inside MDiparent area.
>How to create
.Simple project>properties>ismdicontainer>true to treat a form as MDIParent.
>Create a new project>change name of the form1 to frmMain>set ISMDIContainer property to true of frame.
>Add a new Form frmDocument(title:>Untitled)
>Add RichText Box Propert Dock
>Open frmMaion Cretae a menu strip and design ur menu.
>Write New Menus code
>Open frmDocument>open coding window>Declare a dara memeber named Fn(sring FN="";)
>Write SaveMyFile
>write save menu code

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