Friday, June 28, 2013

13th Lecture

to see all the tables from the database
command is
select * from sysobjects where type='u'
for making employee id unique and user doesnt froced to enter i t
crete table Employees(Employeeid int primary key identity,Name varchar(50),Department varchar(50))
1 create table
2 cre0te application
3 change name of the form
4 add a new form
5 design the form
6 Move to open coding window of frmEmplloyee With f7
7 declare two datamemebers int localmode and int emlpoyeeid
8 create function named startEmployee in frmEmployee class(build solution)
9 open main from > add a button>write buttons code(run burron application)
10 oppen frmemployee and write save buttoncode(run the appication)
11 open frmmain and add new button > write its code
12 open coding windw of frmemployee and write code in startemployee function
13 Run the application
14 change save button code

Thursday, June 27, 2013

12th Lecture

Error -'Invalid Object Name' means Table doesn't exists.
-'String or binary data would be truncated' means some field is provided with more memory as prescrived for the field
to delette any data from a tabe use command
delete from "table name" where "condition".
to add a new coloumn in a pre existing table
alter table "table name" add "coloumn name u want to add" "type".
to delete a particular row from table
delete from "table name" where "condition".
to delete a column from a table
alter table "table name" drop column "column name".

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

11th Lecture

SEQUEL- Structured English Query Language.First Database System.
MDF -Primary Data File.
LDF- Log data file.
NDF - Secondary Data File.
ADO .Net - ActiveX Data Object.
ADO .Net is micri=osoft's data access technology. It is an Object Model. Using this we can access data from different data models.
DATA Sources
DATABASE (Relational\Non-Relational\Multi-Dimensional)
XML Files
Text Files
ADO .Net has two components
Data Set-
Data Providers- A data provider is a collection of classes used to acces data from particular type of datbase\datasource.
System.Data.Sqlclient is a data provider that provides access to SQL Server Database. It has class to connect database and manipulate data.
to work with SQL we have to use a namesace System.Data.Sqlclient;
to make connection- SqlConnection;

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

10th Lecture

Data should be organised for processing.
Start>programs>sqlserver>managenment studio.
SQL - Structured Query Language. This the language that is used to instruct DBMS to perform some tasks.SQL commands are cateogarised into 4 cateogaries
DDL- data defination language. For defining structure like create.
DML- data manupulation language. (Insert, Update, Delete and Select.)
DCL- data control language. (Grant and Revoke)
TCL- transaction control language. Begin,Commit and Rollback.
Transact SQL - SQL feo Microsoft.

Monday, June 24, 2013

In the last 2 days,, we had lectures about SQL. we learnt about SQL commands which will be used in making our project's database.
so in last 2 days , we had no lab. just a lecture of 2hrs. :)

Though 2 hours seems less time, but time doesnt pass by when in class, sometime time pass by so quickly and sometime we are constantly glazing at our watches.

9th Lecture


to produce correct information we should store data in a organised form.
DataBase- a database is an organised file that store related data in form of arow and coloumns.
DBMS- database m,anagement System - DBMS is a type of softwsre that creates and manages database. It is set of programs that store, reterive or update data.
SQL Server- is a RDBMS(Relational Database Management System). It is product of Microsoft Corporation. It can be used to store huge data and allow concurrent access.(Multiple users can acess the database at same time).

Friday, June 21, 2013

8th Lecture

satellite assembly- this assembly contains resoyrces like strings, image and icons etc.
Error-cannot open database means name of the database is wrong.
whenever we have to insert update or delete than we have to use sqlnonquery();
and to show we have to use sqladapter

Thursday, June 20, 2013

7th Lecture

>Dialog Boxes-a dialog box is a form or window in an application used to take inpput from user or display some informationi to user. A dialog box doesn't act as main interface of application.
there are two types of dialog boxes
1.Model- a model dialog box doesn't allow us to work with another part of the application while it is on display.we must respond to dialog box befor switching
to other parts of the application
2.Modeless- this type of dialog box allows us to switch between different part of the application even if it is displayed.
file>new>project>class library
open solution explorer>right click application name>add referance>click browse>

6th Lecture

.propertiesin which values are stored or from which value is reterived or from function a special work is done nd there are no () with prroperties.
.from accept buttoon we can change what will happen if we click enter button and cancel buttoi did same as that of enter button to close.
Menu Box
.to control menu control we have menu strip control in toolbox all window forms.
.Select menu>items>open propertie>Shortcut Key.
.for creatig a seperate line click "->enter".
.for creating hotkeys place & infront of the word u wan tto make hot key
Tool Strip control
.used to make toolbars
Rich tect Box
.Propertire>Dock(6 Values)
for allignment
.MDI Applications:-
>SDi - Single Document Interface.Allows single documetn at a particular time.Like notepad. in notepad we can open only single file
. If u wan to work with another file then u must closed opened file and then open new file.
>MDI - Multi Document INterface.Allows us to work with mnore than one document at same time. Every MDI application contains a MDI parent form or window.Any noof child
forrms can be opened in MDI parent form.All child forms get closed automatically when parent form is closed. Child forms can move inside MDiparent area.
>How to create
.Simple project>properties>ismdicontainer>true to treat a form as MDIParent.
>Create a new project>change name of the form1 to frmMain>set ISMDIContainer property to true of frame.
>Add a new Form frmDocument(title:>Untitled)
>Add RichText Box Propert Dock
>Open frmMaion Cretae a menu strip and design ur menu.
>Write New Menus code
>Open frmDocument>open coding window>Declare a dara memeber named Fn(sring FN="";)
>Write SaveMyFile
>write save menu code

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

5th Lecture

.in .Net winForm Application Every form is a class derieved from Class
.Systems.Windows.forms is a namespace that lcontains classes which are used to create applications.
it contin classes like
.Namespace - collection of classes and sub-namespaces.namespace help us to organise our code and avoid naming collision.
.Partial Class- A class that can be defined in more than one physical file.
.Constructor-constructor is special member function of class which gets execute automatically when object is created. Constructor intialises data members. COnstructor is
always created with same name as of class.Constructor can not be invoked explicitly and it can not return any value.
.A class can have more than one constructor , This is known as constructor overloading.
.Destructor is also a special member function of classs which gets execute when object gets destroy. It is used to reclaim memory or resources from objects. Destructor
is crerated with same name of class but prefixed with TILD sign (~). A class can have only one detructor.
.in c# [] means an array is formed
>title of form is search
>one combobox with all drives and a label
>one text box with label text
>one button named search
>one list box
>when we click on the search button than the particular drive selected on the combobox and written in the text box is shown in the list.
Assignment 2
>make a run form
>For Browse open file dialouge
.#region to collapse a file.

Monday, June 17, 2013

4th Lecture

.OOPs - Object Oriented Programming Structure.
>OOPs is a new programming technique which emphasizes on security and reusability. It is an approach to analyse problems and developing solution in form of objects. OOPs is
all about classes and objects.
>class- a class is a user defines data type or a template. It is used to group data of different types and functions to operate on data. Class defines shape and behaviour
of objects. once a class is defined , we can create any number of objects.
>object- is an instance of class. an objct is a collection of properties and members . A property stores data for an object and method performs action on stored data.
>input,Store,Process And ouptput
>Variable- A variable stores single vlaue.
>structure we can group data of different type.
>there are five principles of OOPs
process of wrapping up data and function as a single unit.
.data hiding-
protecting data from outside world by making it private.
ceating new class from existing class.Existing class is known as base parent or super and new class is knoqwn as sub\drive\child class. A suvb class can
use base class's code. change existing code (if allowed) and add up new code
c# supports single multilevel inheritence.
hidng unessential details and exposing out essential details.
class DAV:Form
class s
s}tatic void main()
DAV obj=new DAV();

Saturday, June 15, 2013

3rd Lecture

.Arithmetic Data Types
.A datatype specifies that what kind of value a variable can store and what are valid operations for declared variable.Datatype reserve memory for variable.
.Data Type Size(Bytes) Conversion
Byte 1 Convert.ToByte (+)
Short 2 Convert.ToInt16 (+/-)
UShort 2 Convert.ToUInt16 (+)
Int 4 Convert.ToInt32 (+/-)
UInt 4 Convert.ToUInt32 (+)
Long 8 Convert.ToInt64 (+/-)
ULong 8 Convert.ToUInt64 (+)
Float 4 Convert.ToSingle Decimal value
Double 8 Convert.ToDouble Double
Decimal value
char 2 Convert.Tochar
String 2Bytes Convert.Tostring
per character
DataTime 8 Convert.ToDataTime
SByte 2 Convert.ToSByte (+/-)
.There are two types of Datatypes
.Value Type
.Reference Type
List Box:-this control is used to provide a scrollable list of options. User can select single or multiple items.
Select list box> Properties > Items(Collection).
ComboBox:- Defines a drop down list of options. User can select only one item from the combobox. It can be used for selection as well as for typing.
form 1
.only close with title login
.user id textbox
.password textbox Password Does't Appear to the user. For this choose properties Either passwordchar(for showing character) or usesystemPasswordchar
(for boolean properties).
.button named cancel
.button named Sign In
.if user id and password are wrong than there should be a message contains a title and only 'ok' button otherwise there should be a main form again which contains
4 buttons
>first button named click to open the form list
>second button named comboBox to open form comboBox
>third button named COPY to Open a form containing a list box on left side and one on the left side containing names of cricket teams and in middle there should be 2 buttons
and when be select upper button than the item from the left box move to the right box and maximum items on right side should be 4 and second button for from right to left
and if we want to store more than 4 items than there should be a error message.
>Fourth Button is close button containing a confirmation form either to close or not.
Form 2
on example of list box
.if on clicking bbutton there is nothing written in the text box than there should be a proper message.
.if on clicking delete there is nothing selected than display a appropriate message.
.if delete on all delete button than there should be a confirmation boxwhich ask whether to delegte or not.
Form 3
.a combobox contains name of colleges
.a list box
.when we select a college than list box contains the students of that college
properties of combobox
.dropdown style

Friday, June 14, 2013

2nd Lecture

create a form having
.only close button
.proper title
for first app
.4 buttons on the form
.first button is name to display name in message box
.college name
second form
.4 buttons
.every button change the color of form according to the name of the form
third form
.form to cube
fourth form
.radio buttons with color names
.2 buttons
.one for exit and another is to change
fifth form(format)
.value text box
.result text box
.radio button cube radio button sqr
.compute button exit button
sixth form
.to add two numbers
seventh form
.value text
.value text
.res text
.radio buttons add sub mul div
.2 buttons compute and exit

Thursday, June 13, 2013

1st Lecture

.net - a framework software development platform to develop high scale application consist of 2 components
BCL stands for Base Class Library. It is collection of classes which use to develop applicwation.
CLR stands for Common Lnaguage Runtime.It is an engine which execyte the application made by BCL.
using .net framework we can create diff types of APPS.
like Console apps windows\desktop web applications\sites windows services mobile applications
Windows applications or desktop applications
when u have opnd vsl stdo edtr
to crte app
.click file new project
.select language
.type of appplication
.click ok
to run app form press f5 or run button.
open toolbox step cntrl+alt+x\icon with hammer
this means form
for design window click design button
.this.close(); means form close
.this.BackColor=Color."ColorName" to change color
.MessageBox.Show("Any Message"); to display any message
.diff visual elements are known as controls
.int a=Convert.Toint32(textbox1.text;
int b=a*a*a;
to convert a string to int and an int to string
steps to add a new form in current app
.open solution explorer ctrl+alt+l
.in solution explorer right click application
.add>select window form
how to change
.open solution explorer>open Program.cs file>change name of form
application to add two numbers
"label is used to showsome descriptive text"
int a=Convert.toint32(textbox1.text);
int b=convert.toint32(textbox2.text);
int sum=a+b;
how to change forms title
.select form>open properties click f4>change text properties
form border size
click on the thing whose properties u want to change
radio button coding
else if(radioButton2.Checked==true)

Course Module

Industrial Training in Dot Net is a modular 6 weeks course, regularized over 5 days a week, 2 hrs a day, and exclusively includes practical sessions. The course curriculum of Industrial Training in .Net comprises:
  • Microsoft 3.5,4.0,4.5 Framework
  • C#
  • OOPS
  • Introduction to ASP.NET
  • database management
  • Mysql

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hello friends, my name is Rachit Madaan from Ludhiana.
I am studying B.Tech in Computer Science And Engineering at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. 
I’m interested in doing programming since my High School days and the only right way I could go in my life, is the way of a programmer.
As a fresher, I dont have any working experience, but I will prove once the opportunity comes.
 I am only two days away from commencing my Industrial Training at HPES,chandigarh.
 Pretty excited!